Jan 9, 2007


It’s weird when some1 feels he is on the top of the world.. when some1 forgets about God.. When some1 thinks he rules.. He Rocks!.. he have everything!.. every1 wishes to be in his place!.. and yet, at this very moment, no matter who he is, what he does, where he is!.. Something happens make him think about that all over again.. Something reminds him that he’s just so fragile.. very easily breakable!.. It doesn’t even have to happen 2 u.. but something might happen to some1 u love, or some1 u care about.. at this very moment, u remember again ur god, go pray, do what u have to.. u don’t think u rock anymore, u just found out that u r just a human being.. who have feelings, one of the feelings is to be afraid, afraid of the unknown!.. the unknown that might happen 2 u, and u just pray and wish it doesn’t.. God be with us all, helping and supporting us.


--_-- said...

I totally agree on what u say, & actually sometimes when i have a trouble in my life and feel that I'm into despair, I find myself visioning the world from above to see myself a very little "thing" and thinking about how small i am in this world and how Great is ALLAH, and then i pray a lot for ALLAH to help me be more realistic!
May ALLAH help us all, and thanks for the nice post!

Hany Barakat said...

Thx Myra.. I pray and hope to god to help everyone, and to support all of us..

Bahaa said...

Great "Tathkera" Hany. Almost every human being lives and revolves around himself only. Until something bigger than the tiny him happens and he finds that he is too weak to even support himself alone.

Mohamed Moshrif said...

eih yad malak, howa 3alashan ma3ad el fara7 2arab hatmot wala eih :D?

La2, mot ba3deh, estana keda 7aba then so2ar ba3d keda.

Dah eih eli enta 3ayesh feh dah, we I'm Feeling worried we aflam, yarabena!

Hany Barakat said...

@Bahaa.. Thats true.

Hany Barakat said...

@ Meshref.. :-) ha7awel aah mamotshy now!.. :-) Thx for the tip!

Mohamed Moshrif said...

Aywa keda, ashofak bas yom fara7ak then ba3d keda enta 7or ;)