Feb 18, 2007

وطنى لو شغلت بالخلد عنه

Last but not least... A post that I'm going to link to... Amr's post:
من أسابيع قليلة ماضية كنت فى طريقى إلى المنزل فى حوالى الثانية عشر بعد منتصف الليل, كنت عائدا من بيت أحد أصدقائى و قد أرتدت أحدى الميكروباصات المتجهة إلى ميدان رمسيس, كان من المفترض أن يوصلنى هذا الميكروباص بالقرب من منزلى لكن شعور ما قادنى إلى عدم النزول بالقرب من المنزل ربما هو الملل أو الرغبة فى كسر جمود الروتين اليومى لم افكر فى السبب فقط نظرت إلى حيث كان المفترض بى أن أنزل و أكملت راكبا و قدد قررت أن أنزل بعد قليل و أعود هذه المسافة مرة أخرى, و لمرة ثانية فوّت عامدا حيث كان المفترض بى أن أنزل!. و قررت أن أنهى طريقى مع نهاية الخط المحدد؛ فى ميدان رمسيس.


Ashraf Al Shafaki said...

I am allowing comments on my Egypt Software blog as well. Have a look at the 26 comments I got for this post: http://egyptsoftware.blogspot.com/2007/01/labels-or-tags.html

The recruitment business is no idea of mine. This is a very old business present world wide. I have started a recruitment agency and there are many in Egypt. The only difference is that I focus on IT recruitment only because I have been HR Manager in the IT sector in Egypt. As other recruitment agencies, my company takes one month salary equavalent of each successful hire. This is the well known standard for recruitment agencies in Egypt and outside Egypt.

Recruitment is a serious business and it's tough, it's no game.

Please include your email in your blog profile so that others can communicate with you easily. Find my email in my profile if you want to take this discussion further.

Thanks a million for taking the time to comment at my HR Egypt blog.

--_-- said...

hey you are the one who is depressed now.

Hany Barakat said...

:S Yeah! I'm feeling down these days! I don't know! Maybe I'm lazy, maybe I'm bored... I don't know!

--_-- said...

hey are you talking about me!! I'm in the same mood!! :s

Mohamed Moshrif said...

Because your life is walking in one single direction, every day is like the one before and will be like the one after :@

I told you before let's do new stuff but you're lazy so it turned that I am either doing it alone or with someone else

Mohamed Nabil said...

hmm , strange comment from someone in the US , all yekoon fi 3onak, my Pal is in Canda , and he having the same feelings

take care of one thing , time is the most valuable resource you have save it well ..