Apr 7, 2007

I'm Making A Difference

The people who work for Microsoft are the most generous charitable givers per employee in the world, and that spirit is at the center of how we work with governments and NGOs. Learn more.

I've been seeing this ad on couple of my friend's MSN nickname...
I've searched to find information about it... and here it is.

i’m is a new initiative from Windows Live™ Messenger. Every time you start a conversation using i’m, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. We've set no cap on the amount we'll donate to each organization. The sky's the limit.

i’m is about making a difference. Not in a huge expensive way, not in a time-consuming way. But in a simple, effective way.

How it Works
1. Download the Windows Live Messenger instant messaging service. There's no charge and it's easy to download and use.

2. Within Windows Live Messenger, click Tools and select Options. Place the text code corresponding to the cause of your choice into your Display Name. -->

Text CodeCause
*unicefThe US fund for UNICEF
*komenSusan G. Komen for the Cure
*nafNational AIDS Fund
*red+uAmerican Red Cross
*bgcaBoys & Girls Clubs of America
*mssocNational Multiple Sclerosis Society
*sierraSierra Club

3. Keep having i'm conversations so you can keep funding the cause doing the work most important to you.


--_-- said...

Interesting!! tell me do you use it urself?
Missed ur posts :), Be well

Ali Abdin said...

Unfortunately this campaign is limited to only people in the US. It is for every message they send out (regardless of whether you are chatting with somebody from the US or not)...

Ali Abdin said...

Unfortunately this campaign is limited to only people in the US. It is for every message they send out (regardless of whether you are chatting with somebody from the US or not)...

Asmaa Magdi said...

I have a very curious question :D. What will MS get in return after doing this "im".

howa el problem mesh fel charity. el problem is "why r they making it that way"??!! If MS wanna do charity, then ok kol wa7ed yetbarra3 belly 3ayzo. But really how comes y3ny that some1 wanna help these organizations fa yeroo7 ye2ool le MS we MS heya elly tedfa3 !!

Can u plz ask Bill Gates for me :P ;) ??!!

// ana mesh bahagem wallahy. ana bass mesh fahma.

--_-- said...

you have been tagged:

Hany Barakat said...

@Myra - Yes Myra I use it myself...

I choose Susan G. Komen for the Cure. My dad and my aunt both died with cancer. I have seen how people suffer from this disease...

Anyway, thx for the tag Myra... I'll try doing it as soon as possible :-)

Hany Barakat said...

@Ali - yeah true, maybe someday it'll be for users all over the world...

Hany Barakat said...

@Asmaa - Well, the way I see it, and this is only from my point of view, is that MS always do charity, maybe doing this campaign this way is also somewhat an Ad for the MSN, this way of charity might increase people using MSN and let them prefer it over other chat applications.

:-) But of course, I'm not an MS GM or anything; I just think that this might be a reason for doing this campaign this way... :-) Thx Asmaa for the good question!

If I got the opporutnity I'll try asking some one who knows from MS and let you know :-)